Sadiqa Jariya: Our Guiding Ethos in Charitable Giving

Sadiqa Jariya: Our Guiding Ethos in Charitable Giving

At the heart of our brand lies a deep-rooted belief in the concept of Sadiqa Jariya, the idea of continuous charity. Our business isn't solely about offering high-quality hijabs; it's about making a lasting impact by giving to causes in need. The seeds of this commitment were sown by the wisdom of our parents and grandparents, who ingrained in us the significance of giving, especially from our first earnings.

Their teachings emphasised the value of initiating any new endeavour with a spirit of charity. Funny side story: my mother-in-law, bless her generous heart, took the 'charity from the first income' rule quite seriously. When my husband landed his first job at 16, she was like a relentless charity warrior. She waved her giving flag so high that she convinced him to donate his entire paycheck! Just imagine the internal conflict of a teenager torn between being a philanthropic hero and the magnetic pull of a shiny new PlayStation game (ha!) But on a more serious note… one of the fundamental principles behind RĀHA is donate a portion of our revenue to causes aligned with our values. We strongly believe that profitability should coexist with philanthropy.

At present, a portion of our profits will be dedicated to supporting Palestine—a cause deeply close to our hearts. The indescribable suffering endured by Gazans in this present-day genocide is simply heart-wrenching. A couple of months ago we made the conscious decision to postpone the launch of our business and held back from stepping into the social media spotlight, recognising and respecting the urgent need to keep the attention where it truly mattered—on Palestine.

Today, our commitment to supporting Palestine remains resolute and as well as financial donations we are also committed to raising awareness about global issues and will always take a stand on matters that impact communities worldwide. As an integral part of our dedication to transparency and ensuring impactful aid, we conduct thorough research to ensure that our donations reach those on the ground, directly benefiting the affected communities.

We are committed to donating to reputable charities such as Medical Aid Palestinians and The Ghassan Abu Sittah Children's fund, verified by Palestinians themselves, to ensure that our contributions make a tangible difference where it's needed the most. O Allah, Protector of all, safeguard the people of Palestine. Embrace them in Your protection and ache their grieving hearts. Grant them security and ease amidst trials. May we all witness the dawn of a free and liberated Palestine. Ameen.

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